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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (04) : 234 -240. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2022.04.006


陈亦阳1,(), 刘佳玉1, 万全1, 卢志远1, 高梓君1, 刘佳梦1   
  1. 1. 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心口腔颌面外科,广州 510623
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-31 出版日期:2022-08-01
  • 通信作者: 陈亦阳

The geometric morphometric analysis of the unaffected side of hemifacial microsomia patients′ mandibles

Yiyang Chen1,(), Jiayu Liu1, Quan Wan1, Zhiyuan Lu1, Zijun Gao1, Jiameng Liu1   

  1. 1. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Guangzhou Women and Children′s Medical Center, Guangzhou 510623, China
  • Received:2022-05-31 Published:2022-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Yiyang Chen
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangzhou(202102010304)

陈亦阳, 刘佳玉, 万全, 卢志远, 高梓君, 刘佳梦. 半侧颜面短小畸形患儿非病变侧下颌骨形态改变特点[J]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(04): 234-240.

Yiyang Chen, Jiayu Liu, Quan Wan, Zhiyuan Lu, Zijun Gao, Jiameng Liu. The geometric morphometric analysis of the unaffected side of hemifacial microsomia patients′ mandibles[J]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(04): 234-240.






患者组典型非病变侧典型下颌骨同正常组典型下颌骨三维叠印提示,患者组非病变侧髁突向内偏曲,升支后倾,体部略外展,颏部略向前突。典型变量分析结果显示,患者组与对照组在水平面投影(马氏距离=6.472 9,P<0.001;普氏距离=0.047 7,P=0.026 2)和矢状面投影(马氏距离=6.422 7,P<0.001;普氏距离=0.059 6,P=0.000 6)差异均存在统计学意义。水平面投影可见患者组非病变侧颏部向对侧偏斜,颏部与体部交界区弯曲度较大,髁突横轴相对于体部向外旋转;矢状面投影可见患者组非病变侧体部-升支弯曲度减小,髁突沿长轴方向缩短。




To analyze and compare the morphological differences between the unaffected mandibles of the hemifacial microsomia (HFM) patients and the normal children′s mandibles with a geometric morphometric method.


The three-dimensional CT data of 16 HFM patients were collected. The patients were under one year old when admitted to Guangzhou Women and Children′s Medical Center from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2021, and categorized as type Ⅱ b and type Ⅲ. Normal mandible data of children with the same age were used as the control. Three-dimensional superimposition of CT data was performed, and the unaffected mandible projections on the horizontal and sagittal planes were drawn for geometric morphometric analysis.


Three-dimensional superimposition indicated that the condyles of the unaffected mandibles deviated inward, with inclined posteriorly ramus, slightly abducted body and slightly forward protruded chin. There were significant differences between the patients and the control group in both horizontal (Mahalanobis distance = 6.472 9, P<0.001, Procrustes distance = 0.047 7, P=0.026 2) and sagittal projections (Mahalanobis distance = 6.422 7, P<0.001, Procrustes distance = 0.059 6, P=0.000 6) . The horizontal projection showed that the chin of the patient group deviated to the opposite side, whereas the area between the chin and body was more curved, and the horizonal axis of the condyle rotated outward relative to the body. The sagittal projection showed that the body-ramus curvature of the patient group reduced, and the condyle shortened along the long axis.


The unaffected side of HFM patients′ mandible was statistically different from that of the normal children. Alterations in the mandibles included chin elongation, increased horizontal curvature of the area between the chin and body, decreased sagittal curvature of the body-ramus, rotation of the condylar transverse axis outwardly relative to the body, and shortened condyle along the long axis.

表1 本研究纳入半侧颜面短小(HFM)患儿和对照组患儿的基本信息
图1 一侧下颌骨投影标志点 A:水平面。1为颏部正中内侧缘点,2~4为1和5四等分点,5为外侧切线角平分线同内侧缘交点,6~14为5和15之间的十等分点,点15为髁突转折点,16~18为15和19之间的四等分点,19为髁突外形内侧最突点,20为19和21的中点,21为髁突最后点,22为21和23的中点,23为髁突外形外侧最突点。24~31为23和32的十一等分点,32为下颌骨水平投影前部边缘线同侧面边缘线交角的角平分线与下颌骨外缘交点,33~35为32和36的四等分点,36为下颌骨正中外侧边缘点。B:矢状面。1为下牙弓转折点,2~7为点1和8的七等分点,8为乙状切迹的切线与升支前缘的相交点,9为髁顶点与冠突顶点连线的平行线与乙状切迹的相切点,10~12为9和13的四等分点,13为髁突最前点,4为13和15中点,15为髁突最高点,16为15和17中点,17为髁突最后点,18~23为17和24的七等分点,24为下颌角后下点,25~32为24和33的九等分点,33为颏部最低点,34为颏下点与颏前点的中点,35为颏部最前点,点36为下牙槽嵴顶点与颏前点之前骨组织最凹点。
图2 半侧颜面短小(HFM)患者组典型非病变侧下颌骨同对照组典型下颌骨三维重叠比较显示形态变化 A~C:红色部分为患者组非病变侧典型下颌骨,绿色部分为对照组非病变侧典型下颌骨,两组叠加后可见患者组髁突向内偏曲,升支后倾,体部略外展,颏部略向前突;D~F:以对照组下颌骨模型为参照,对患者组非病变侧典型下颌骨模型进行色谱分析。红色表示外展,蓝色表示内收,绿色表示一致。可见对照组下颌骨模型髁突、冠突相对外展,颏部、体部相对内收。对照组下颌骨模型升支后缘相对前倾。
图3 半侧颜面短小(HFM)患者组非病变侧下颌骨形态特征坐标同对照组下颌骨形态特征坐标水平投影的典型变量分析 A:在典型变量(CV)下患者组和对照组样本的频数分布;B:红色图形为典型变量为负值时,形态变化趋势,浅蓝色图形为全部样本平均图形;C:红色标志点为全样本平均图形,点上矢量标线为典型变量为负值的形态变化趋势;D:绿色图形为典型变量为负值时,形态变化趋势,浅蓝色图形为全部样本平均图形;E:绿色标志点为全样本平均图形,点上矢量标线为典型变量为负值的形态变化趋势。
图4 半侧颜面短小(HFM)患者组非病变侧下颌骨形态特征坐标同对照组下颌骨形态特征坐标水平投影的典型变量分析 A:在典型变量(CV)下患者组和对照组样本的频数分布;B:红色图形为典型变量为负值时,形态变化趋势,浅蓝色图形为全部样本平均图形;C:红色标志点为全样本平均图形,点上矢量标线为典型变量为负值的形态变化趋势;D:绿色图形为典型变量为负值时,形态变化趋势,浅蓝色图形为全部样本平均图形;E:绿色标志点为全样本平均图形,点上矢量标线为典型变量为负值的形态变化趋势。
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