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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01) : 7 -12. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2019.01.002

所属专题: 文献


郭丽娜1, 王晓东1, 张新平2, 简裕涛3, 赵克1,()   
  1. 1. 中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院,广东省口腔医学重点实验室,广州 510055;广东省牙颌系统修复重建技术与材料工程技术研究中心,广州 510080
    2. 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广州 510640
    3. 中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院,广东省口腔医学重点实验室,广州 510055
  • 收稿日期:2018-11-01 出版日期:2019-02-01
  • 通信作者: 赵克

Influence of mechanical properties of supporting die materials on fracture strength and failure behaviours of monolithic zirconia molar crowns

Lina Guo1, Xiaodong Wang1, Xinping Zhang2, Yutao Jian3, Ke Zhao1,()   

  1. 1. Guanghua School of Stomatology, Hospital of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Guangzhou 510055, China; Guangdong Engineering Research Center of Technology and Materials for Oral Restoration and Reconstruction, Guangzhou 510080, China
    2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
    3. Guanghua School of Stomatology, Hospital of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Guangzhou 510055, China
  • Received:2018-11-01 Published:2019-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Ke Zhao
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhao Ke, Email:
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(81470767, 81600907, 81771110)

郭丽娜, 王晓东, 张新平, 简裕涛, 赵克. 代型材料力学性能对磨牙氧化锆全瓷冠断裂失效行为的影响[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(01): 7-12.

Lina Guo, Xiaodong Wang, Xinping Zhang, Yutao Jian, Ke Zhao. Influence of mechanical properties of supporting die materials on fracture strength and failure behaviours of monolithic zirconia molar crowns[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(01): 7-12.




制作弹性模量与牙本质(18.6 GPa)近似的复合树脂和多孔钛标准试件(n = 40),测定其维氏硬度、挠曲强度和断裂韧性值。分别用离体牙及上述复合树脂和多孔钛制作代型(n = 10),制作30个单层瓷结构的全锆(M-Zir)冠,采用随机数字表法分为3组,分别粘接于离体牙预备体及多孔钛和复合树脂代型上。所有试件行抗折破坏试验,记录最大断裂载荷(N)及失效模式,并采用扫描电镜行断口形貌学分析。使用SPSS 20.0软件对代型材料的力学性能测定结果进行独立样本t检验,抗折破坏试验进行单因素方差分析和LSD-t检验。


多孔钛与P60复合树脂的弹性模量分别为(18.50 ± 1.65)和(17.48 ± 1.70)GPa,两组间差异无统计学意义(t = 1.358,P = 0.191)。多孔钛材料的维氏硬度(165.60 ± 11.17)HV、挠曲强度(522.47 ± 52.46)MPa和断裂韧性(3.67 ± 1.18)MPa·m1/2显著高于复合树脂(P<0.001)。离体牙组、多孔钛代型组、复合树脂代型组M-Zir冠的平均断裂载荷分别为(5 306 ± 467)、(5 273 ± 447)和(4 695 ± 583)N,3组差异有统计学意义(F = 4.253,P = 0.025)。多孔钛代型组与离体牙组差异无统计学意义(P = 0.890),复合树脂代型组显著低于离体牙组(P = 0.015)及多孔钛代型组(P = 0.021)。全瓷冠断裂模式分析显示,3组的M-Zir冠断裂模式无明显差异,均为瓷全层折裂为颊颚侧2块,裂纹通过中央窝沟向近远中牙尖三角嵴方向扩展。同时,离体牙组试件多伴有预备体的损伤,复合树脂代型组全部试件均伴有代型折裂,多孔钛代型组全部试件均完整。




The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of supporting die with various mechanical properties on the fracture strength and failure mode of monolithic zirconia crowns.


Standard composite resin and porous titanium specimens (n= 40) with elastic modulus similar to human dentin (18.6 GPa) were fabricated. Mechanical properties, including Vicker′s hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness were evaluated. Extracted teeth (n= 10) were prepared into standardised geometry, according to the shape of dies made of porous titanium (n= 10) and composite resin (n= 10) . Subsequently, 30 monolithic zirconia (M-Zir) single crowns were milled and cemented onto the above three types of substrates. Load-to-failure test was conducted for all samples with universal testing machine, from which fracture strength was recorded, followed by the failure mode. Fractographic analysis was done by using scanning electron microscopy. Mechanical Properties Tests of die materials were statistically analyzed with t test, whereas Load-to-failure test was done with One-way ANOVA and LSD-t test (SPSS 20.0) .


The elastic modulus of porous titanium and composite resin was (18.50 ± 1.65) and (17.48 ± 1.70) GPa, respectively. There was no statistical difference between the two groups (t= 1.358, P= 0.191) . The Vicker′s hardness (165.60 ± 11.17) HV, flexural strength (522.47 ± 52.46) MPa and fracture toughness (3.67 ± 1.18) MPa·m1/2 of porous titanium were noted significantly higher than those of composite resin (P<0.001) . The average fracture strength of monolithic zirconia crowns cemented on the dentin, porous titanium and composite resin dies was (5 306 ± 467) , (5 273 ± 447) and (4 695 ± 583) N, respectively. No significant difference was found among the three groups (F= 4.253, P= 0.025) . The average fracture strength of the composite resin substrates was significantly lower than that on dentin (P= 0.015) and porous titanium (P= 0.021) , while no difference was found between the dentin and porous titanium group (P= 0.890) . Similar fracture mode of the M-Zir crowns that built on the three different substrates was noticed. All crowns broke into two pieces with cracks extending obliquely through cusps in the mesiodistal direction. However, most of the dentin substrates and all the composite substrates suffered catastrophic fractures after loading, while the porous titanium substrates stayed intact.


The Vicker′s hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness of porous titanium seemed superior to those of composite resin. Substrate material may have no significant effect on failure mode. Porous titanium is expected to be a promising substrate material for the in vitro study of zirconia restorations.

图1 预备体数字化模型通过五轴精雕机切削的标准代型 A:离体牙预备体;B:多孔钛代型;C:复合树脂代型
表1 多孔钛及复合树脂的力学性能( ± s
表2 不同代型支持的M-Zir冠的断裂载荷( ± s,N)
图4 多孔钛代型组全瓷冠断裂失效模式 4A:多孔钛代型组全冠断裂面形态,可见瓷全层折裂而代型完整;4B:可见裂纹以加载点为中心向近远中牙尖三角嵴方向扩展
图5 离体牙组失效全瓷冠断口形貌 星号示裂纹源,白色箭头示裂纹扩展方向
图6 复合树脂代型组失效全瓷冠断口形貌 星号示裂纹源,白色箭头示裂纹扩展方向
图7 多孔钛代型组失效全瓷冠断口形貌 星号示裂纹源,白色箭头示裂纹扩展方向
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