中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (01) : 40 -43. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2007.01.012 × 扫一扫
Zhuo-fan CHEN1,†, Fei-long DENG1, Zhi-bin LUO1, Hui ZHANG1, Rong-sheng ZENG1
Corresponding author:
陈卓凡, 邓飞龙, 罗智斌, 张辉, 曾融生. 氧化锆和氧化铝种植瓷基台的临床应用研究[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2007, 01(01): 40-43.
Zhuo-fan CHEN, Fei-long DENG, Zhi-bin LUO, Hui ZHANG, Rong-sheng ZENG. Clinical study of alumina and zirconia ceramic abutments for Brånemark and Replace implant systems[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2007, 01(01): 40-43.
评估Brånemark 和Replace 种植系统氧化铝及氧化锆瓷基台支持的单个前牙种植全瓷冠的临床疗效。
23 例患者共35 颗种植全瓷冠完成修复后12~48 h,考察瓷基台及其支持的全瓷冠有无松动、破损或折裂,评估种植体周软硬组织情况及患者对修复美学效果的主观评价。
19 例患者在12~48 h 内疗效良好。 2 例患者2 颗全瓷冠戴入后松脱;1 例患者1 颗全瓷冠戴入1 周后出现折裂;1 例患者1 颗种植体修复后24 h 瓷基台折裂。随诊期间种植体周软硬组织维持健康状况。 患者对修复美学效果满意。
临床应用表明Brånemark 和Replace 种植系统瓷基台机械性能良好,其支持的单个前牙种植全瓷冠修复体周软硬组织情况稳定,可以取得满意的美学效果。
This clinical study was to evaluated implant ceramic abutments made of aluminum oxide or zirconium oxide,provided by Brånemark and Replace implant systems, with respect to their mechanical properties and peri-implant tissue reaction over time.
Twenty-three patients with 35 single-tooth implant-support ceramic crowns were included.All-ceramic (IPSEmpress2) crowns were cemented with composite cement. Restorations were evaluated for esthetic outcomes as well as technical problems such as fracture of abutment or crown and loosening of abutment screw or crown during observation period of 12 to 48 months after functional loading.Simplified Gingival Indices were recorded at implants, peri-implant bone levels were radio-graphically determined at the 2 week and 1-year examination.
All but 4 of the 23 patients kept in good function during the observation period.The median observation period for the restorations was 21 months. Crown loosening was reported for 2 restorations at 1 week and 2-year, respectively. Crown fracture was recorded for 1 restoration one week after loading. One abutment made of aluminum oxide fractured after 2-year loading. Mean marginal bone loss was measured (1.2±0.5)mm after 1 year loading. Healthy conditions of the peri-implant mucosa in relation to abutment/crown were maintained with mean Gingival Index measured 0.6±0.2 after 1-year loading. Patients were satisfied with the final esthetic outcomes.
The results demonstrated both alumina and zirconia abutments provided by Brånemark and Replace implant systems offered sufficient stability to support esthetic implantsupported single-tooth restorations in anterior region. The soft and hard tissue reaction toward both ceramic abutments was favorable.