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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01) : 37 -42. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2019.01.007

所属专题: 文献


邓建清1, 张雪芹1, 卢新华1, 谢永建1, 吴莉萍1,()   
  1. 1. 中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院,广东省口腔医学重点实验室,广州 510055
  • 收稿日期:2018-05-19 出版日期:2019-02-01
  • 通信作者: 吴莉萍

Evaluation of the height and thickness of the anterior alveolar bone between different age in hyperdivergent skeletal ClassⅡ malocclusion

Jianqing Deng1, Xueqin Zhang1, Xinhua Lu1, Yongjian Xie1, Liping Wu1,()   

  1. 1. Guanghua School of Stomatology, Hospital of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Guangzhou 510055, China
  • Received:2018-05-19 Published:2019-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Liping Wu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wu Liping, Email:
  • Supported by:
    Guangdong Province Medical Science and Technology Research Fund Project(A2018418)

邓建清, 张雪芹, 卢新华, 谢永建, 吴莉萍. 不同年龄骨性Ⅱ类高角患者切牙区牙槽骨的厚度及高度特征[J]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(01): 37-42.

Jianqing Deng, Xueqin Zhang, Xinhua Lu, Yongjian Xie, Liping Wu. Evaluation of the height and thickness of the anterior alveolar bone between different age in hyperdivergent skeletal ClassⅡ malocclusion[J]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(01): 37-42.




选取符合纳入标准骨性Ⅱ类高角患者46例,其中青少年组26例,年龄(12.9 ± 1.2)岁;成人组20例,年龄(22.3 ± 3.2)岁。收集患者正畸治疗前拍摄的CBCT三维影像数据,独立t检验(正态分布)或Mann-Whitney U检验(偏态分布)比较两组患者右侧上下颌切牙区牙槽骨高度及厚度特征,卡方检验两组患者骨开窗、骨开裂发生率。


骨性Ⅱ类高角成年患者切牙区唇舌(腭)侧牙槽骨附着高度低于青少年患者(P<0.05);成人组切牙区唇舌(腭)侧釉牙骨质界下2 mm处及根尖部牙槽骨厚度薄于青少年组(P<0.05);成人组切牙区唇舌(腭)侧牙槽骨面积少于青少年组(P<0.05)。骨性Ⅱ类高角成年患者正畸治疗前切牙区牙槽骨骨开窗、骨开裂发生率分别为10.00%和32.50%;青少年患者骨开窗、骨开裂发生率分别为3.37%和14.90%;成人组切牙区牙槽骨骨开窗、骨开裂发生率高于青少年组(χ2骨开窗= 6.794,P骨开窗= 0.009;χ2骨开裂= 16.030,P骨开裂<0.001)。




This study aims to explore the height and thickness of the anterior alveolar bone of hyperdivergent skeletal ClassⅡ malocclusion between different ages and calculate the incidence rates of fenestration and dehiscence using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) .


The sample consisted of 46 persons of hyperdivergent skeletal ClassⅡ malocclusion who met the inclusion criteria. They were divided into two groups, teenager group (26 cases, age: 12.9 ± 1.2 years) and adult group (20 cases, age: 22.3 ± 3.2 years) . The CBCT images were collected to measure the height and thickness of the anterior alveolar bone of the upper right side and calculate the incidence rates of fenestration and dehiscence. Independent t-test (normal distribution) or Mann-Whitney U-test (skewed distribution) were used for the measurement of the height and thickness of the anterior alveolar bone. Chi-square test was used to compare the incidence rates of fenestration and dehiscence between the two groups.


For the hyperdivergent skeletal ClassⅡ malocclusion, the alveolar bone attachment of the incisors of both jaws in the adult group were lower than those in the teenager group (P<0.05) ; The alveolar bone thickness at 2 mm level from cemeto-enamel junction and the apical level of the incisors of both jaws in the adult group were lower than those in the teenager group (P<0.05) ; The alveolar bone area of the incisors of both jaws in the adult group were smaller than those in the teenager group (P<0.05) . In the adult group of the hyperdivergent skeletal Class Ⅱ malocclusion, the incidence rates of fenestration and dehiscence were 10.00% and 32.50% respectively and in the teenager group were 3.37% and 14.90% respectively before orthodontic treatment. Compared with teenagers, the incidence rates of fenestration and dehiscence were much higher in adults (χ2Fenestration= 6.794, PFenestration= 0.009; χ2Dehiscence= 16.030, PDehiscence<0.001) .


For the hyperdivergent skeletal ClassⅡ malocclusion, the quantity of anterior alveolar bone in the adult group was less than that of the teenager group. Compared with the teenagers, the incidence rates of fenestration and dehiscence were much higher in adults.

图1 样本头影测量示意图 N:鼻根点;S:蝶鞍点;O:眶点;P:耳点;A:上牙槽座点;B:下牙槽座点;Gn:髁顶点;Go:下颌角点;1:上牙槽座点、鼻根点与下牙槽座点构成的角;2:下颌平面(GoGn)与前颅底平面(SN)相交的后下角;3:下颌平面(GoGn)与眼耳平面(FH Plane)相交的后下角
图2 Dolphin Imaging三维软件测量锥形束CT数据界面
图3 切牙测量平面的选取 A:水平观测面;B:冠状观测面;C:矢状观测面;D:矢状测量平面
图4 上下颌切牙测量项目示意图 A:上颌受测牙的牙槽骨附着高度及厚度测量示意图;B:下颌受测牙的牙槽骨附着高度及厚度测量示意图;C:上颌受测牙唇腭侧牙槽骨面积测量示意图;D:下颌受测牙唇舌侧牙槽骨面积测量示意图
图5 上下颌切牙骨开窗、骨开裂示意图 A:受测牙的牙槽骨附着高度;B:受测牙近远中牙槽嵴顶与唇侧釉牙骨质界(CEJ)之间距离
表1 上下颌切牙区牙槽骨特征测量项目及意义
表2 不同年龄患者上颌切牙区牙槽骨形态特征比较
表3 不同年龄患者下颌切牙区牙槽骨形态特征比较
表4 不同年龄骨性Ⅱ类高角患者切牙区骨开窗、骨开裂发生率
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