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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (05) : 330 -335. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2024.05.008


孙伯阳1, 翟家彬1, 黄兰柱1, 郭婷1,()   
  1. 1. 南京市口腔医院,南京大学医学院附属口腔医院,南京大学口腔医学研究所,南京 210008
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-15 出版日期:2024-10-01
  • 通信作者: 郭婷

Digital technology guides the clinical application of orthodontic extrusion in the treatment of crown-root fracure teeth

Boyang Sun1, Jiabin Zhai1, Lanzhu Huang1, Ting Guo1,()   

  1. 1. Nanjing Stomatological Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Medical School, Institute of Stomatology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, China
  • Received:2024-06-15 Published:2024-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Ting Guo
  • Supported by:
    Special Fund for Health Science and technology development of Nanjing(YKK21184, YKK23179)

孙伯阳, 翟家彬, 黄兰柱, 郭婷. 数字化技术引导正畸牵引治疗冠根折牙齿的临床应用初探[J]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(05): 330-335.

Boyang Sun, Jiabin Zhai, Lanzhu Huang, Ting Guo. Digital technology guides the clinical application of orthodontic extrusion in the treatment of crown-root fracure teeth[J]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(05): 330-335.

正畸牵引是冠根折牙齿保存治疗的重要技术手段,尤其在前牙外伤的治疗中,通过正畸牵引可将龈下断段牵引至龈上,并联合多学科治疗,最大程度地恢复患者功能、改善美观。但是在临床应用中,正畸牵引缺乏预见性和精确的牵引指标,并且缺牙状态维持3 ~ 6个月影响患者伤后的身心健康恢复。本研究通过数字化技术精准设定牵引目标位置,制作导板准确实施牵引术,紧密联系修复治疗等一系列处理,提高整体治疗的可预知性、增加治疗成功率。

Orthodontic extrusion is an important technical means for the preservation and treatment of crown-root fracture teeth, especially in the treatment of anterior tooth trauma. Combining with multidisciplinary treatment, the subgingival segment can be pulled to be supra-crestal through orthodontic extrusion. The patient′s function can be restored to the greatest extent and the aesthetics can be improved. However, the current orthodontic traction lacks predictability and accurate traction indicators, so that patients need to be partially edentulous for 3-6 months, which greatly affects the physical and mental health of patients after injury. In this study, a series of treatments such as accurately setting the traction target position, making a guide plate to accurately implement traction, and closely linking repair therapy were used to improve the predictability of the overall treatment and increase the success rate of treatment.

图1 冠根折牙齿数字化诊疗流程图
图2 冠根折患者治疗前正面相及口内相 A:正面相;B:正面咬合相;C:前牙咬合相;D:前牙腭侧相。
图3 冠根折患者治疗前锥形束CT(CBCT)及根管治疗后根尖X线片 A:治疗前11矢状位;B:治疗前21矢状位;C:根管治疗后根尖X线片。
图4 数字化分析根-骨关系及虚拟移动示意图 A:治疗前唇侧观;B:治疗前腭侧观;C:模拟移动后唇侧观;D:模拟移动后腭侧观;E:移动分析示意图,a为现有龈缘位置,b为牵引后断面目标位置,设置于龈上1 mm。
图5 数字化微笑设计 A:模拟口内修复体效果图;B:模拟修复后微笑相。
图6 数字化蜡型设计示意图 A:正面观;B:背面观;C:矢状向;D:测量C图截面中的距离。
图7 切削制作临时修复体 A:正面观;B:背面观;C:前牙咬合关系。
图8 临时修复体戴入后口内相及面部照片 A:正面咬合相;B:前牙腭侧相;C:前牙咬合相;D:正面相。
图9 序列化治疗各阶段的口内相及锥形束CT(CBCT)影像 A:牵引中正面咬合相;B:去除临时修复体;C:纤维桩修复;D:基牙预备;E:更换临时牙;F:牵引后的患牙CBCT影像;G:固定保持;H:排龈后基牙情况;I:最终修复后的正面咬合相。
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