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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (06) : 373 -375. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2019.06.009

所属专题: 文献


周燕1, 陶冶1, 吴瑞雪1, 庞亮月1, 于丽霞1, 支清惠1,()   
  1. 1. 中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院,广东省口腔医学重点实验室,广州 510055
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-19 出版日期:2019-12-01
  • 通信作者: 支清惠

Study on the application of flipped classroom model in experiment teaching of preventive dentistry

Yan Zhou1, Ye Tao1, Ruixue Wu1, Liangyue Pang1, Lixia Yu1, Qinghui Zhi1,()   

  1. 1. Guanghua School of Stomatology, Hospital of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Provincal Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Guangzhou 510055, China
  • Received:2019-08-19 Published:2019-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Qinghui Zhi
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhi Qinghui, Email:
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province(2017A020215064); 2018 Teaching Reform and Teaching Quality Plan-Undergraduate Practice Teaching Base Construction Project—Stomatological Undergraduate Practice Teaching Base of Sun Yat-sen University(52000-31911004)

周燕, 陶冶, 吴瑞雪, 庞亮月, 于丽霞, 支清惠. 基于翻转课堂的教学方法在口腔预防医学实验教学中的运用[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(06): 373-375.

Yan Zhou, Ye Tao, Ruixue Wu, Liangyue Pang, Lixia Yu, Qinghui Zhi. Study on the application of flipped classroom model in experiment teaching of preventive dentistry[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(06): 373-375.




2019年3月选取中山大学光华口腔医学院口腔临床医学专业2015级本科生60名。授课内容为《口腔预防医学》实验课中的菌斑控制章节。设置实验组为翻转课堂组,对照组为传统授课组。实验组提前发布上课视频、学习的重点知识点、课后思考题。课堂前半段学习进行小组讨论,老师回答学生的问题。对照组课前不提供任何学习资料,课堂前半段进行理论知识和操作视频授课。课堂后半段两组进行刷牙操作并进行刷牙效果评价。使用SPSS 21.0统计软件进行数据分析。两独立样本采用卡方检验或t检验,检验水准α = 0.05。


与传统授课组相比,实验组认为课程知识点清晰更易懂(93.3% vs. 70.0%;χ2 = 5.455,P = 0.012),课堂时间安排更合理(96.7% vs. 66.7%;χ2 = 9.017,P = 0.003),实验操作更易掌握(93.3% vs. 73.3%;χ2 = 4.320,P = 0.038),实验时间更充裕(96.7% vs. 63.3%;χ2 = 10.420,P = 0.001),组间差异均有统计学意义。刷牙效果显示,刷牙后的实验组Turesky改良菌斑指数平均数为2.0 ± 0.3,低于对照组(2.4 ± 0.5),差异有统计学意义(t = -2.8,P = 0.022)。




To explore the application of flipped classroom model in experiment teaching of preventive dentistry.


Sixty students of undergraduate medical students from Guanghua school of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University were selected. The teaching content was the plaque control. Test group was flipped classroom. Control group was traditional teaching classroom. Videos and learning files were given to test group in advance. Half of classroom time was used to discuss and solve the problem of students in test group. No files were given to control group in advance. Half of classroom time was used to teaching and learning. Both groups were asked to brush teeth.


The percentage of students think the knowledge point is clear is higher in test group than control group (93.3% vs. 70.0%, χ2 = 5.455, P = 0.012) , the classroom schedule is reasonable (96.7% vs. 66.7%, χ2 = 9.017, P = 0.003) , experimental technology is easy to grasp (93.3% vs. 73.3%, χ2 = 4.320, P = 0.038) , plenty of time to do experiment (96.7% vs. 63.3%, χ2 = 10.420, P = 0.001) . The average scores of Turesky plaque index was lower (2.0 ± 0.3) in test group than control group (2.4 ± 0.5) (t = -2.8, P = 0.022) . The technical ability of plaque control was handled better in test group.


Flipped classroom improves the effect of experiment teaching of preventive dentistry. The application of flipped classroom is suitable in preventive dentistry.

图1 翻转课堂授课方法运用在口腔预防医学中的菌斑控制的实验设计流程图
表1 中山大学光华口腔医学院2015级本科生对口腔预防医学实验课授课内容和授课效果的评价[例(%)]
表2 菌斑控制后Turesky改良菌斑指数结果分析表( ± s
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