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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (03) : 186 -190. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2014.03.002


王飞宇1, 薛俊杰2,(), 王璟3, 徐远志3, 舒林径1, 黄稔欢1   
  1. 1.610041 成都,四川大学华西口腔医学院
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-21 出版日期:2014-06-01
  • 通信作者: 薛俊杰

Three-dimensional finite element analysis of rapid canine movement through reducing resistance on parodontium

Feiyu Wang1, Junjie Xue1,(), Jing Wang1, Yuanzhi Xu1, Linjing Shu1, Renhuan Huang1   

  1. 1.West China of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2014-01-21 Published:2014-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Junjie Xue

王飞宇, 薛俊杰, 王璟, 徐远志, 舒林径, 黄稔欢. 牙周膜减阻牵张移动上下颌尖牙的三维有限元分析[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2014, 8(03): 186-190.

Feiyu Wang, Junjie Xue, Jing Wang, Yuanzhi Xu, Linjing Shu, Renhuan Huang. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of rapid canine movement through reducing resistance on parodontium[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2014, 8(03): 186-190.




通过64 排螺旋CT 扫描,获得样本的颞下颌关节(TMJ)、上下颌骨、上下颌牙列的DICOM 数据文件,建立上下颌牙周膜牵张成骨术远移尖牙的三维有限元模型。 分别于尖牙颊侧及腭侧加载近远中向的牵引力,观察尖牙、牙周组织应力分布情况和位移趋势。


上下颌尖牙最大瞬时位移部位均位于牙冠1/3,从尖牙牙冠到根尖逐渐减少;最大瞬时位移数值:上颌尖牙>下颌尖牙;支抗牙均未见明显位移。 上、下颌尖牙最大等效应力部位:上颌集中于尖牙远中牙槽嵴顶略偏颊侧处,下颌最大等效应力主要集中在尖牙远中牙槽嵴顶偏舌侧处;最大等效应力:上颌尖牙>下颌尖牙。


牙周膜减阻牵张成骨术可以有效减少支抗丧失的风险。 上下颌尖牙在减阻牵张过程中有远中倾斜移动趋势;其中上颌尖牙远移时有颊向旋转趋势,下颌尖牙远移时有舌向旋转趋势,应用减阻牵张辅助尖牙远移过程中应控制尖牙的旋转移动或加以适当的纠正。


To compare force distribution and periodontal tissue on maxillary and mandibular canines during canine distalization, we established three-dimensional finite element analysis of rapid canine movement through reducing resistance on parodontium.


DICOM data of teeth,temporomandibular joints, maxilla and mandible was obtained by 64-slice spiral scanning. Establishing a three-dimensional finite element model of canine movement by reducing resistance on parodontium. The force was loaded on the buccal and lingual side of canine, and the force distribution and displacement of canine was observed.


The maximum displacement occurred on 1/3 of the canine crown, and gradually reduced towards the root apex of canine. No anchorage loss was observed. The maximum equivalent stress was observed on the distal buccal alveolar ridge of upper canine and distal lingual alveolar ridge of lower canine.


The model of rapid canine movement by reducing resistance on periodontium can reduce the risk of anchorage loss effectively. However, the canine had the tendency of tipping movement during distalization. Furthermore, Canines had the tendency to rotate buccally on the maxilla and lingually on the mandible. The findings suggest that a control of canine tipping and rotation be applied when reducing resistence on parodontium to accelerate canine distalization.

图1 牙周膜减阻牵张术示意图
表1 三维有限元模型网格划分信息(个)
图2 牙齿及上下颌骨的三维有限元网格模型
表2 材料的力学参数
图3 尖牙远移过程中力的加载示意图 注:A 为施加在尖牙颊侧冠中心向远中方向的力;B 为施加在尖牙舌侧冠中心向远中方向的力;C 为施加在第一磨牙舌侧冠中心向近中方向的力;D 为施加在第一磨牙颊侧冠中心向近中方向的力
表3 上下颌有限元分析结果(MPa)
图4 上颌尖牙瞬时位移分布
图5 下颌尖牙瞬时位移分布
图6 上颌等效应力分布
图7 下颌等效应力分布
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