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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2012, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (03) : 245 -250. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2012.03.005


郑贵成1, 梁焕友2,(), 吴志玲2, 唐倩2, 吴坚2, 任力3   
  1. 1.325000 温州市第三人民医院口腔科
    2.325000 中山大学附属第三医院口腔科
    3.325000 华南理工大学材料学院生物材料研究所
  • 收稿日期:2011-10-31 出版日期:2012-06-01
  • 通信作者: 梁焕友
  • 基金资助:

Animal experiment study of modified bionic collagen membrane

Gui-cheng ZHENG1, Huan-you LIANG1,(), Zhi-ling WU1, Qian TANG1, Jian WU1, Li REN1   

  1. 1.Department of Stomatology, the Third People Hospital of Wenzhou, Wenzhou 325000, China
  • Received:2011-10-31 Published:2012-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Huan-you LIANG

郑贵成, 梁焕友, 吴志玲, 唐倩, 吴坚, 任力. 仿生型改性胶原膜的动物学实验研究[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2012, 6(03): 245-250.

Gui-cheng ZHENG, Huan-you LIANG, Zhi-ling WU, Qian TANG, Jian WU, Li REN. Animal experiment study of modified bionic collagen membrane[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2012, 6(03): 245-250.




通过模拟牙周炎骨缺损形态在Beagle 犬双侧下颌第三、四前磨牙颊侧制作3 个大小为5 mm×5 mm 的急性二壁骨袋的骨缺损模型,深达牙面。采用自体对照方法观察牙周组织再生情况,骨缺损区随机分为3 组:胶原膜组、聚四氟乙烯(e-PTFE)膜组、空白对照组,共5 只Beagle 犬、14 个实验部位。 术后2、4、8、12 周将分别进行大体标本观察、组织学观察、锥形束计算机体层摄影术(CBCT)扫描并重建、扫描电镜Ca、P 元素微区定量测定。


该仿生型改性胶原膜具有良好的骨引导和暴露后抗感染能力。 术后12 周,仿生型改性胶原膜组的新生骨高度、体积与e-PTFE 膜组对比差异无统计学意义;其引导的新生骨钙磷比值(Ca/P 值)高于空白组及e-PTFE 膜组。




To introduce our research on a new modified bionic collagen membrane,which will be used for animal periodontal tissue regeneration in our experiment and discussed about its ability to guide tissue regeneration, after our former work.


Three acute two-wall intrabony defects (5 mm × 5 mm, deep enough to expose the teeth surface) were created randomly on the buccal aspects of three bilateral lower third and fourth premolars of Beagle dog to imitate human periodontitis'alveolar bone defects. Autologous-control groups were adopted in our experiment, and the specimens were classified into three groups randomly: the collagen membrane group, the e-PTFE group and the blank-controlled group. There were 5 Beagle dogs and 14 specimens. At 2, 4, 8, 12 weeks, the following researches were undertaken after one dog was executed: general specimens observation,histological observation, the three-dimensional computed tomography analysis and reconstruction, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation and energy-dispersive X-ray of Ca/P.


The new modified bionic collagen membrane has a good ability to guide bone regeneration and is resistant to infection after exposion. At 12 weeks, new bone heights, volumes of the collagen membrane group and the e-PTFE group had no statistical difference; the Ca/P molar ratio of collagen membrane group was higher than other groups.


The animal experiment shows that the new modified bionic collagen membrane can enhance periodontal bone regeneration effectively.

图1 术中翻瓣去骨后的骨缺损
图2 术后第2 天发现龈瓣裂开胶原膜暴露
图3 拆线时已经完全愈合
图4 第2 周胶原膜组镜下观(HE ×40)
图5 第4 周胶原膜组镜下观(HE ×40)箭头示新骨
图6 第8 周胶原膜组镜下观(HE ×40)箭头示新骨
图7 第8 周胶原膜组镜下观(HE ×100)
图8 第12 周胶原膜组镜下观(HE ×40)箭头示新骨
图9 第12 周胶原膜组镜下观(HE ×100)
图10 第12 周标本各组颊舌向断面图箭头示新骨
表1 各时间段新生牙槽骨高度(±s,mm,n=3)
图11 各时间段新生牙槽骨高度 与空白对照组对比aP<0.05;与胶原膜组对比 bP<0.05 表示,与e-PTFE 膜组对比cP<0.05
表2 12 周新生牙槽骨体积(±s,mm3,n=3)
图12 12 周时,颊舌向断面图新生骨区域面积的测量
表3 12 周新生牙槽骨Ca/P 值(±s,n=3)
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