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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (01) : 59 -62. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2014.01.014


冯炼1, 洪筠2, 杨灵澜2, 戴耀晖2,()   
  1. 1.514031 梅州市人民医院口腔科
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-09 出版日期:2014-02-01
  • 通信作者: 戴耀晖
  • 基金资助:

Comparison of short-term efficacy of Tacrolimus solution and Dexamethasone solution on patients with oral lichen planus

Lian Feng1, Yun Hong1, Linglan Yang1, Yaohui Dai1,()   

  1. 1.The Stomatology Department of Meizhou People's Hospital, Meizhou 514031, China
  • Received:2013-04-09 Published:2014-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Yaohui Dai

冯炼, 洪筠, 杨灵澜, 戴耀晖. 他克莫司与地塞米松治疗口腔扁平苔藓的短期疗效对比[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2014, 8(01): 59-62.

Lian Feng, Yun Hong, Linglan Yang, Yaohui Dai. Comparison of short-term efficacy of Tacrolimus solution and Dexamethasone solution on patients with oral lichen planus[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2014, 8(01): 59-62.




60 例OLP 患者随机分为两组,分别给予0.0015%他克莫司溶液(30 例)和0.002%地塞米松溶液(30 例),每日2 次含漱及口服治疗4 周,治疗结束时评价有效率和不良反应发生率。


两组治疗有效率分别为83.3%、63.3%,他克莫司对OLP 的短期疗效明显优于地塞米松(χ2=4.36,P=0.038),但不良反应的发生率无明显差异(χ2=0.00,P=0.69)。


他克莫司对OLP 的短期疗效明显优于地塞米松,值得在临床推广应用,但远期疗效还有待进一步观察研究。


To compare the short-term therapeutic effect of Tacrolimus solution and Dexamethasone solution on patients with oral lichen planus (OLP).


A total of 60 patients were randomly divided into 2 groups. 30 patients were treated with 0.0015% Tacrolimus solution twice a day, while the others were treated with 0.002% Dexamethasone solution twice a day. The efficacy and the side-effect rate were graded after 4 weeks.


The treatment effective rate of both two groups was 83.3% and 63.3%, respectively. The short-term healing rate of Tacralimus group was higher than that of Dexamethasone group (χ2=4.36,P = 0.038). However, no significant difference was observed between two groups as for the side-effect occurrence (χ2=0.00,P = 0.69).


There was a higher short-term therapeutic effective rate in Tacralimus group than Dexamethasone group.

表1 体征记分
表2 症状记分
表3 评价标准
图1 实验组颊部病损治疗前后对比
图2 实验组舌部病损治疗前后对比 注:图1A 为治疗前颊部广泛白色网纹,伴充血;图1B 为治疗后网纹明显消退;图2A 为治疗前舌背白色斑块局部充血;图2B 为治疗后白色斑块变淡,充血状态明显减退
表4 实验组与对照组的有效率比较
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