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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (02) : 105 -108. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2007.02.012


面罩前方牵引治疗骨性Ⅲ类错 中上颌骨与下颌颏部变化的分析
许潾于1,, 张端强1, 许慧琴2, 邱雄文3   
  1. 1.350002 福州,福建医科大学附属口腔医院正畸科
    2.350002 福州,闽清县精神病医院
    3.350002 福州,龙岩市第一医院
  • 收稿日期:2007-02-08 出版日期:2021-02-01
  • 通信作者: 许潾于

Effect of face mask maxillary protraction on maxilla and mandibula mental region in class Ⅲ malocclusion

Lin-yu XU1,, Duan-qiang ZHANG1, Hui-qin XU1, Xiong-wen QIU1   

  1. 1.School of Stomotology,Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350002, China
  • Received:2007-02-08 Published:2021-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Lin-yu XU

许潾于, 张端强, 许慧琴, 邱雄文. 面罩前方牵引治疗骨性Ⅲ类错 中上颌骨与下颌颏部变化的分析[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2007, 01(02): 105-108.

Lin-yu XU, Duan-qiang ZHANG, Hui-qin XU, Xiong-wen QIU. Effect of face mask maxillary protraction on maxilla and mandibula mental region in class Ⅲ malocclusion[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2007, 01(02): 105-108.


研究面罩式前方牵引联合快速扩弓治疗骨性Ⅲ类错 合牙 畸形及在调整磨牙近中关系中的作用,并对上颌“A”点的前移和下颌颏部变化在骨性Ⅲ类面型改善中的作用进行分析。


随机选择17 例恒牙列早期(11.6 岁)骨性Ⅲ类错 合牙 患者,使用面罩式前方牵引结合上颌快速扩弓进行治疗,对患者治疗前、后头颅侧位片进行测量分析,使用配对t 检验对数据进行统计分析。


上颌骨“A”点平均前移3.41±1.63 mm,治疗前后有统计学意义。 而代表下颌颏部突缩的Y 轴角的变化则无统计学意义。上颌骨“A”的变化与Y 轴角呈负相关关系。


面罩式前方牵引对骨性Ⅲ类错 合牙 畸形面型改善是通过上颌骨“A”点的前移和下颌平面顺时针旋转共同作用的结果,是一个协调的过程。 在调整Ⅲ类磨牙关系中,前牵引引起上颌磨牙的近中移动和垂直向的伸长起决定作用。


To investigate the skeletal fuction of face mask maxillary protraction combined with rapid maxillary expansion(RME) and its effect on correction of molar relationship examine the effect of the forward movement of maxillary “A” point and the rotation of mandibular mental region on the profile of class Ⅲmalocclusion.


Seventeen subjects in early permanent dentition with anterior cross bite treated by face mask and RME were included. Cephalometric radiographs were taken before treatment and after treatment for analysis. Twenty three items were included in the cephalometrics.Paired student t-test was performed to analyze the data.


Maxillary “A” point was measured moving forward by 3.41±1.63 mm,whereas no significant change in Y axis which stood for the prominence of the mental region was observed. The change in A point was negatively related to the Y axis.


Forward movement of maxilla and mandibular clockwise rotation account for the major profile improvement. Mesial movement and the extrusion of the upper molar play an pivotal role in molar relation correction.

表1 治疗前后骨骼和牙齿的变化
项目 治疗前(T1)xˉ± 治疗后(T2)xˉ± T1-T2
SNA 81.46±2.94 83.48±2.44 -2.02±1.61 0.001
SNB 83.12±2.96 81.29±2.75 1.83±1.98 0.008
ANB -1.67±1.66 2.19±1.76 -3.86±0.89 0.000
MP-SN 34.24±3.07 36.50±5.36 -2.28±2.22 0.004
MP-FH 29.45±3.19 30.85±6.27 -1.40±2.33 0.062
OP-FH 9.91±5.36 9.60±4.93 0.32±3.22 0.740
PP-FH 4.10±3.52 3.68±3.76 0.42±2.22 0.530
NA-PA -2.29±4.61 3.81±3.19 -6.11±2.68 0.000
Y角 63.66±2.99 64.40±4.50 -0.80±3.50 0.446
Ptm-A 43.60±2.41 47.01±2.58 -3.41±1.63 0.000
Ptm-S 16.80±1.71 17.76±2.52 -0.95±2.18 0.158
S-Ar-Go 141.73±8.51 143.72±8.83 -1.99±4.27 0.135
N-ANS 53.92±2.57 55.10±2.34 -1.18±2.45 0.123
N-Me 115.99±4.25 122.43±6.69 -6.43±3.30 0.000
-SN 107.50±8.94 105.05±5.03 2.44±3.62 0.381
-NB 25.00±5.51 20.37±4.89 4.62±5.83 0.019*
-MP 87.80±4.54 82.97±5.52 4.82±5.32 0.009
U6-PP 46.15±2.38 50.95±3.46 -4.80±2.23 0.000
L6-MP 28.91±2.03 30.29±2.89 -1.37±1.63 0.014*
U6-s' 27.90±5.22 34.64±4.22 -6.73±4.08 0.000
U1-s' 62.85±4.43 67.51±4.31 -4.69±4.13 0.002
L6-pg 38.50±1.71 39.00±2.32 -0.50±0.37 0.235
Overjut -3.02±2.02 2.38±0.74 -5.40±1.62 0.000
S-N'-Sn 88.01±1.78 88.85±2.24 -0.83±1.69 0.116
S-N'-B' 86.88±3.07 84.83±2.61 2.05±2.28 0.010*
Sn-N'-B' 1.17±2.61 4.06±1.91 -2.90±2.28 0.001
Ns-Sn-Pos 176.39±6.78 171.37±4.67 5.01±3.91 0.001
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