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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2025, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01) : 25 -32. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2025.01.004


潘霞1, 李琳2,(), 朱磊3, 代超4, 庞乐5   
  1. 1.汉中职业技术学院口腔教研室,汉中 723002
    3.三二〇一医院眼科,汉中 723000
    4.汉中职业技术学院附属医院口腔科,汉中 723000
    5.汉中职业技术学院康复教研室,汉中 723002
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-14 出版日期:2025-02-01
  • 通信作者: 李琳
  • 基金资助:

Association analysis of oral frailty risk in elderly people in Hanzhong community and construction of a nomogram model

Xia Pan1, Lin Li2,(), Lei Zhu3, Chao Dai4, Le Pang5   

  1. 1.Department of Oral Medicine Teaching and Research,Hanzhong Vocational and Technical College,Hanzhong 723002,China
    2.Department of Stomatology,3201 Hospital,Hanzhong 723000,China
    3.Department of Ophthalmology,3201 Hospital,Hanzhong 723000,China
    4.Department of Stomatology,Affiliated Hospital of Hanzhong Vocational and Technical College,Hanzhong 723000,China
    5.Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Teaching and Research,Hanzhong Vocational and Technical College,Hanzhong 723002,China
  • Received:2024-08-14 Published:2025-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Lin Li

潘霞, 李琳, 朱磊, 代超, 庞乐. 汉中社区老年人口腔衰弱风险关联性分析与列线图模型构建[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2025, 19(01): 25-32.

Xia Pan, Lin Li, Lei Zhu, Chao Dai, Le Pang. Association analysis of oral frailty risk in elderly people in Hanzhong community and construction of a nomogram model[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2025, 19(01): 25-32.




对2024 年5—7月汉中市3个社区的385名老年人进行了横断面调查,最终纳入179名符合条件的老年人。研究采用了便利抽样方法,以问卷调查的形式收集了参与者的一般情况、KCL评分,以及相关的生活习惯和健康状况信息。利用多因素Logistic 回归分析确定口腔衰弱的影响因素,并基于这些因素构建列线图模型。采用R软件中的“rms”包进行模型的构建和可视化,通过受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评估模型的效能,并使用校准曲线验证模型的准确性。


研究发现年龄、独居、营养状况和糖尿病是口腔衰弱的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。构建的列线图模型在ROC 曲线分析中显示出良好的效能,曲线下面积(AUC)为0.757,表明模型有助于评估汉中社区老年人口腔衰弱的风险。校准曲线显示模型评估风险与实际观察结果具有较好的一致性。




The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between the Kihon checklist(KCL)score and the risk factors of oral frailty among elderly individuals in Hanzhong community,and to construct a nomogram model to study the accuracy of oral frailty risk assessment for elderly individuals in Hanzhong community.


A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 385 elderly individuals in three communities of Hanzhong City from May to July 2024,with 179 eligible elderly individuals finally included.The study used convenience sampling and collected data through questionnaires,including general information,KCL scores,and related lifestyle and health status information.Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine the influencing factors of oral frailty,and a nomogram model was constructed based on these factors.The "rms" package in R software was used for model construction and visualization.The performance of the model was evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve,and the accuracy of the model was verified using a calibration curve.


The study found that age,living alone,nutritional status,and diabetes were independent influencing factors of oral frailty(P<0.05).The constructed nomogram model showed good performance in the ROC curve analysis,with an AUC of 0.757,indicating that the model was useful to assess the risk of oral frailty of the elderly in Hanzhong community.The calibration curve showed that the model's assessment of risk was in good agreement with the actual observed results.


The nomogram model constructed in this study,based on the KCL score,provided an effective tool for assessing the risk of oral frailty among the elderly individuals in Hanzhong community.The model intuitively demonstrated the impact of different factor combinations on the risk of oral frailty among the elderly individuals in Hanzhong community,helping healthcare providers to allocate resources more effectively and intervene on these risk factors.

表1 纳入研究的汉中市社区老年人基本情况[例(%)]
项目 非衰弱(n=96) 衰弱(n=83) 检验值 P 项目 非衰弱(n=96) 衰弱(n=83) 检验值 P
年龄(岁) χ2=23.275 0.000 营养状况 χ2=10.21 0.006
60~74 84(87.50) 49(59.04) 较差 2(2.08) 12(14.46)
75~89 12(12.50) 28(33.73) 中等 36(37.50) 32(38.55)
≥90 0(0) 6(7.23) 良好 58(60.42) 39(46.99)
性别 χ2=0.199 0.655 经常参加体育锻炼或运动 χ2=1.789 0.181
46(47.92) 37(44.58) 39(40.63) 42(50.6)
50(52.08) 46(55.42) 57(59.38) 41(49.4)
体质量指数(kg/m2 22.67±3.83 23.67±4.39 t=-1.625 0.106 失眠或睡眠质量差 χ2=1.760 0.185
民族 χ2=0.027 0.869 68(70.83) 51(61.45)
汉族 94(97.92) 80(96.39) 28(29.17) 32(38.55)
少数民族 2(2.08) 3(3.61) 高血压 χ2=2.468 0.116
居住地 χ2=1.342 0.247 62(64.58) 44(53.01)
城市 58(60.42) 43(51.81) 34(35.42) 39(46.99)
农村 38(39.58) 40(48.19) 糖尿病 χ2=8.624 0.003
婚姻状况 χ2=2.062 0.151 85(88.54) 59(71.08)
已婚 83(86.46) 65(78.31) 11(11.46) 24(28.92)
未婚、离异、丧偶 13(13.54) 18(21.69) 关节炎 χ2=0.223 0.637
教育程度 χ2=14.813 0.002 79(82.29) 66(79.52)
文盲 7(7.29) 15(18.07) 17(17.71) 17(20.48)
小学 22(22.92) 32(38.55) 心脏病 χ2=3.298 0.069
中学 46(47.92) 20(24.1) 83(86.46) 63(75.9)
大学及以上 21(21.88) 16(19.28) 13(13.54) 20(24.1)
收入状况(元) χ2=12.358 0.006 骨质疏松 χ2=0.090 0.765
无任何收入 20(20.83) 29(34.94) 71(73.96) 63(75.9)
<1 000 15(15.63) 23(27.71) 25(26.04) 20(24.1)
1 000~3 000 28(29.17) 13(15.66) 白内障 χ2=1.839 0.175
>3 000 33(34.38) 18(21.69) 90(93.75) 73(87.95)
平时居住情况 χ2=18.697 0.000 6(6.25) 10(12.05)
与配偶 70(72.92) 38(45.78) 消化系统疾病 χ2=1.223 0.269
与子女 20(20.83) 22(26.51) 90(93.75) 74(89.16)
独居、疗养院 6(6.25) 23(27.71) 6(6.25) 9(10.84)
平时有无业余兴趣爱好 χ2=2.074 0.150 脑卒中 χ2=2.046 0.153
66(68.75) 65(78.31) 95(98.96) 78(93.98)
30(31.25) 18(21.69) 1(1.04) 5(6.02)
有无从事其他工作 χ2=0.333 0.564 其他疾病 χ2=0.523 0.470
91(94.79) 81(97.59) 21(21.88) 22(26.51)
5(5.21) 2(2.41) 75(78.13) 61(73.49)
吸烟嗜好 χ2=4.285 0.038 用药种类 χ2=1.595 0.207
86(89.58) 65(78.31) 5种以下 86(89.58) 69(83.13)
10(10.42) 18(21.69) 5种及以上 10(10.42) 14(16.87)
饮酒嗜好 χ2=0.213 0.644
90(93.75) 80(96.39)
6(6.25) 3(3.61)
表2 多因素Logistic回归分析汉中市社区老年人口腔衰弱的影响因素
图1 汉中市社区老年人口腔衰弱风险评估列线图
图2 汉中市社区老年人口腔衰弱风险评估模型的校准曲线
图3 汉中市社区老年人口腔衰弱风险评估列线图模型的受试者工作特征曲线 ACU为曲线下面积。
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