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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2025, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01) : 16 -24. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2025.01.003


金雪梅1, 安玮1,2, 郭莎1, 阿拉发提·何亚斯丁1, 加娜尔·吐根别克1, 姚志涛1,2,()   
  1. 1.新疆医科大学第一附属医院(附属口腔医学院)口腔颌面创伤正颌外科,乌鲁木齐 830054
    2.新疆维吾尔自治区口腔医学研究所,乌鲁木齐 830054
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-08 出版日期:2025-02-01
  • 通信作者: 姚志涛
  • 基金资助:

Establishment and research of an animal model for condylar resorption in young domestic rabbits

Xuemei Jin1, Wei An1,2, Sha Guo1, He Yasding Alahati1, Turgenbuk Ganar1, Zhitao Yao1,2,()   

  1. 1.Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma and Orthog Nathic Surgery,First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University(Affiliated School of Stomatology),Urumqi 830054,China
    2.Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Institute of Stomatology,Urumqi 830054,China
  • Received:2024-07-08 Published:2025-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Zhitao Yao

金雪梅, 安玮, 郭莎, 阿拉发提·何亚斯丁, 加娜尔·吐根别克, 姚志涛. 年轻家兔髁突吸收动物模型的建立与研究[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2025, 19(01): 16-24.

Xuemei Jin, Wei An, Sha Guo, He Yasding Alahati, Turgenbuk Ganar, Zhitao Yao. Establishment and research of an animal model for condylar resorption in young domestic rabbits[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2025, 19(01): 16-24.




以16只6月龄雌性家兔为研究对象,随机数字表法分为2周实验组、4周实验组、2周对照组及4周对照组,每组4只。2个实验组进行髁突吸收造模处理,2个对照组不做任何处理。髁突吸收造模方法:于家兔下颌前牙堆塑强度较高的树脂突,用此阻止上下颌牙在咀嚼运动时的正常咬合,使家兔被动做下颌后退动作咀嚼磨碎食物,使双侧颞下颌关节(TMJ)在Ⅲ类杠杆生物力的长期压迫作用下出现髁突吸收。2周实验组与2周对照组于建模2周时处死取材,4周实验组与4周对照组于建模4周时处死取材。通过对家兔TMJ部位CT三维重建观察并测量髁突表面积及体积变化,对髁突组织进行苏木精-伊红染色及外周血进行Elisa检测测量骨代谢水平。使用SPSS 19.0统计软件对各实验组与对照组数据进行独立样本t检验。


(1)CT 三维重建:2周实验组髁突体积[(196±8)mm3]、表面积[(280±12)mm2]较对照组体积[(204±9)mm3]和表面积[(292±13)mm2]有所减小,差异有统计学意义(t体积=4.409,P体积=0.022;t表面积=3.660,P表面积=0.035)。4周实验组髁突体积[(192±18)mm3]、表面积[(280±10)mm2]较对照组体积[(211±11)mm3]、表面积[(309±10)mm2]减小,差异有统计学意义(t体积=4.081,P体积=0.027;t表面积=3.738,P表面积=0.033)。同一建模周期,左右侧髁突表面积与体积变化程度未见明显差异。(2)苏木精-伊红染色:2周实验组髁突增殖层细胞增多,细胞簇状聚集,出现均质样无细胞区域。4周实验组髁突软骨分层不明显,肥大层细胞及核明显增大,骨小梁间隙中充满大量的红细胞。(3)关节盘肉眼观:2周实验组及4周实验组关节盘中间带较对照组透光程度增加。(4)骨代谢指标:血清骨钙素浓度2 周实验组[(35.8±1.4)ng/mL]较2 周对照组[(18.1±8.1)ng/mL]增高,差异有统计学意义(t=7.814,P=0.004);4周实验组[(37.6±1.7)ng/mL]较4周对照组[(19.3±6.4)ng/mL]亦增高,差异有统计学意义(t=4.752,P=0.018);25羟维生素D浓度2周实验组[(126.5±16.8)nmol/mL]较2周对照组[(176.0±8.9)nmol/mL]降低,差异有统计学意义(t=5.937,P=0.010);4周实验组与4周对照组差异不明显。4周实验组较2周实验组对比,25羟维生素D浓度增高,血清骨钙素浓度无明显差异。




Exploring the effect of class Ⅲlever biomechanical principles on the construction of a condylar resorption model in young rabbits.


A total of sixteen 6-month-old female rabbits were randomizedly divided into four groups,i.e.,2-week experimental group,4-week experimental group,2-week control group,and 4-week control group,with 4 rabbits in each group.The experimental groups were treated with condylar resorption modeling,and the control groups were left untreated.The condylar resorption modeling method was as follows.The mandibular anterior teeth of rabbits were stacked with high-strength resin protrusions,which prevented the normal occlusion of the maxillary and mandibular teeth during mastication,so that the rabbits could passively perform mandibular backward movements to chew and grind food,and condylar resorption of bilateral temporomandibular joints occurred under the long-term pressure of the classⅢlever biological force.The 2-week experimental group and the 2-week control group were necropsied after 2 weeks of modeling,whereas the 4-week experimental group and the 4-week control group were necropsied after 4 weeks of modeling.Bone metabolism was measured by CT scanning and 3D reconstruction of the temporomandibular joints of rabbits.Specifically,condylar surface area and volume changes,hematoxylin-eosin staining of condylar tissues,and Elisa assay of peripheral blood were evaluated.Independent samples t-test was used for statistical analysis of the data with software(SPSS 19.0).


(1)CT 3D reconstruction:The volume of the condyle[(196±8)mm3]and the surface area[(280±12)mm2]in the 2-week experimental group significantly decreased compared to those of the control group[(204±9)mm3,(292±13)mm2tvolume=4.409,Pvolume=0.022;tsurfacearea=3.660,Psurfacearea=0.035].The volume of the condyle[(192±18)mm3]and the surface area[(280± 10)mm2]in the 4-week experimental group significantly decreased compared to those of the control group[(211±11)mm3,(309±10)mm2tvolume=4.081,Pvolume=0.027;tsurfacearea=3.738,Psurfacearea = 0.033].There was no significant difference in the degree of change in the surface area and volume of the right and left lateral condyles during the same modeling cycle.(2)Hematoxylin-eosin stain:In the 2-week experimental group,increase in the number of cells was observed in the proliferative layer of the condyle,with clustered aggregation of cells and the appearance of homogeneous cell-free areas.In the 4-week experimental group,there was no obvious stratification of the condylar cartilage,and the hypertrophic layer of cells and nuclei were markedly enlarged,with the interstitial space of the trabeculae filled with a large number of erythrocytes.(3)Articular disc in the naked-eye view:The degree of light transmission increased in the middle band of the articular disc in the 2-week experimental group and the 4-week experimental group compared to the control group.(4)Bone metabolism index:Serum osteocalcin concentration:The 2-week experimental group[(35.8±1.4)ng/mL]was higher than the 2-week control group[(18.1±8.1)ng/mL],and the difference was statistically significant(t=7.814,P=0.004);The 4-week experimental group[(37.6±1.7)ng/mL]also showed an increase compared with the 4-week control group[(19.3±6.4)ng/mL],and the difference was statistically significant(t=4.752,P=0.018).The 25 hydroxyvitamin D concentration:The 2-week experimental group[(126.5±16.8)nmol/mL]decreased compared with the 2-week control group[(176.0±8.9)nmol/mL],and the difference was statistically significant(t=5.937,P=0.010).There was no significant difference between the 4-week experimental group and the 4-week control group.Compared with the 2-week experimental group,the 4-week experimental group showed an increase in the concentration of 25 hydroxyvitamin D,while the serum osteocalcin concentration did not change significantly.


The young rabbit condylar resorption model established in this study could better simulate the histopathological changes of condylar resorption disease under mechanical effects and had the advantages of stable and reproducible results,which could provide references for the later experimental and clinical studies.

图1 实验组家兔下颌前牙粘接树脂突前后头颅X线图像 A:正常家兔头颅投影侧面观;B:粘接下颌树脂突后家兔头颅投影侧面观,a 为下颌前牙处粘接的树脂突,b 为树脂突使下颌产生向后2.5 mm的后缩位移。
图2 实验组家兔经下颌前牙树脂突粘接建立下颌后缩模型的操作过程 A:下颌前牙唇侧及近远中面涂布酸蚀剂,酸蚀60 s;B:吹干牙面至白垩色;C:涂布粘接剂;D:堆塑树脂;E:光固灯照射20 s;F:堆塑树脂固化完成后。
图3 各组家兔髁突及关节盘组织取材的方法及过程 A:于颊部作垂直切口;B:暴露咬肌;C:整体翻起咬肌;D:整体翻起咬肌以暴露下颌升支后缘;E:自髁突下10 mm处离断下颌升支;F:完整取出髁突;G:完整取出关节盘。
图4 各组家兔处死取材前头颅CT 三维重建图像 A:家兔头部三维重建;B:下颌骨成像;C:截取双侧髁突;D:取髁突上缘垂直距离10 mm测量表面积及体积。
图5 各组家兔头颅三维CT中髁突三维重建图像A:2周对照组髁突;B:2 周实验组髁突,前斜面可见轻微扁平凹陷;C:4 周对照组髁突;D:4周实验组髁突,前斜面连续性改善,整体形状仍异常。
表1 各组家兔髁突吸收建模后CT三维重建中髁突表面积及体积分析(±s
表2 实验组家兔髁突吸收建模后CT三维重建中左右侧髁突表面积及体积比较(±s
图6 家兔颞下颌关节(TMJ)结构镜下观察(苏木精-伊红) A:TMJ结构;B:放大视野下图A□区域结构;a为关节盘,b为髁突。
图7 各实验组及对照组家兔髁突组织镜下观察(苏木精-伊红) a为关节表面带,b为增殖层,c为肥大层,d为钙化软骨层,e示胞核外形不规则,出现均质样无细胞区域,f示肥大层细胞体积明显增大,部分细胞处于增殖分裂期,g示骨小梁间隙中充满大量的红细胞。
图8 各实验组及对照组家兔关节盘组织肉眼观对比 A:2周对照组;B:4周对照组;C:2周实验组;D:4周实验组;箭头所示为关节盘中间带。
表3 各组家兔髁突吸收建模后外周血清骨代谢指标分析(±s
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