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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (01) : 29 -36. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2020.01.007

所属专题: 文献


深圳市3~ 6岁儿童家长对儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治的知识信念行为现状
郑媛媛1, 刘芸1, 陈婷婷1, 陈香1, 方宇1, 张强1,()   
  1. 1. 南方医科大学附属深圳妇幼保健院口腔病防治中心,深圳 518048
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-28 出版日期:2020-02-01
  • 通信作者: 张强

An investigation of knowledge, attitudes and practice of early treatment for dento-maxillofacial deformities among parents of 3~ 6-year-old children in Shenzhen

Yuanyuan Zheng1, Yun Liu1, Tingting Chen1, Xiang Chen1, Yu Fang1, Qiang Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. Stomatology Center for Treatment and Prevention of Oral Diseases, The Affiliated Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital, Southern Medical University, Shenzhen 518048, China
  • Received:2019-08-28 Published:2020-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Qiang Zhang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhang Qiang, Email:
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Planning Project of Shenzhen(JCYJ20180306172756052)

郑媛媛, 刘芸, 陈婷婷, 陈香, 方宇, 张强. 深圳市3~ 6岁儿童家长对儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治的知识信念行为现状[J]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2020, 14(01): 29-36.

Yuanyuan Zheng, Yun Liu, Tingting Chen, Xiang Chen, Yu Fang, Qiang Zhang. An investigation of knowledge, attitudes and practice of early treatment for dento-maxillofacial deformities among parents of 3~ 6-year-old children in Shenzhen[J]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2020, 14(01): 29-36.


了解深圳市3~ 6岁儿童家长对牙颌面畸形早期矫治的知识、信念及行为情况,为进一步有针对性地开展口腔宣教和保健工作提供理论依据,以提高早期口腔预防水平。


于2019年3—5月采取多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,对深圳市5所幼儿园3~ 6岁儿童家长886人进行问卷调查,采用两组独立样本Mann-Whitney秩和检验、多样本Kruskal-Wallis检验及多因素逐步回归分析的方法对问卷进行统计学分析。






To investigate the situation of knowledge, attitudes and practice of early treatment for dento-maxillofacial deformities among parents of 3-6-year-old children in Shenzhen, further to provide theoretical basis of targeted development of oral health care and education.


The questionnaire survey was conducted among 886 parents of 3-6-year-old children in 5 kindergartens from 2019 March to May in Shenzhen by using multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method, The questionnaire results were analyzed by single and multiple-factor analysis methods.


A total of 860 valid questionnaires were collected, the scoring rates of the knowledge, attitude and practice part were 68.5%, 68.0%, 69.2%. Single-factor analysis showed that the parents′ age, parental role, only child or not, parent education level, parent career and family income had effects on the scores of knowledge (Test values were17.13, 3.13, 2.45, 91.66, 38.24, 11.16, P<0.05) . The children′s age, the parents′ age, parental role, only child or not, parent education level, parent career and family income had effects on the scores of attitudes (Test values were11.42, 17.52, 3.17, 3.59, 74.49, 25.25, 43.18, P<0.05) . Parent education level and family income had effects on the scores of practice (Test values were 8.12, 17.25, P<0.05) . Multiple factor stepwise regression analysis showed that parent education, parent role affected the scores of knowledge (P<0.05) , parent education level, parental role and family income affected the scores of attitudes (P<0.05) , family income affected the scores of practice (P<0.05) .


Parents are deficient in the knowledge, attitudes and practice of early treatment for dento-maxillofacial deformities. It is supposed to further targeted strengthen the oral health care and education of early treatment for dento-maxillofacial deformities combined with general demographic characteristics so as to improve the children′s oral health.

图1 儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治认知及行为的调查问卷首页
表1 儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治认知及行为问卷的内容效度分析
表2 儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治认知及行为问卷的结构效度分析
表3 深圳860名3~ 6岁儿童家长人口学情况及儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治认知及行为问卷得分单因素分析结果
因素 类别 人数 知识得分 信念得分 行为得分
中位数(四分位数间距) 检验值 P 中位数(四分位数间距) 检验值 P 中位数(四份位数间距) 检验值 P
孩子年龄(岁) 3 148 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) 4.65 0.326 28.0(22.0 ~ 31.0) 11.42 0.02b 27.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) 1.03 0.906
4 239 7.0(6.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.3) ? ?
5 236 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 27.0(24.0 ~ 30.8) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
6 237 7.0(5.0 ~ 8.5) ? ? 27.0(23.5 ~ 30.0) ? ? 28.0(23.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
家长年龄(岁) 21 ~ 25 6 6.0(5.3 ~ 7.5) 17.13 <0.001a 23.0(22.3 ~ 23.5) 17.52 <0.001a 26.5(21.5 ~ 33.8) 4.21 0.519
26 ~ 30 118 7.0(5.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 26.0(23.0 ~ 30.0) ? ? 27.0(24.0 ~ 30.0) ? ?
31 ~ 35 404 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 30.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.5) ? ?
36 ~ 40 253 7.0(6.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 27.0(23.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 28.0(23.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
41 ~ 45 62 8.0(7.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 28.0(25.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
46 ~ 50 17 6.0(5.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 25.0(22.0 ~ 26.0) ? ? 27.0(22.0 ~ 32.0) ? ?
父母角色 父亲 249 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) 3.13 0.002b 27.0(24.0 ~ 30.0) 3.17 0.002b 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) 0.02 0.985
? 母亲 611 7.0(5.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 26.0(22.8 ~ 30.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
独生子女 350 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) 2.45 0.014b 28.0(25.0 ~ 31.0) 3.59 <0.001a 28.0(25.0 ~ 31.0) 1.96 0.050
与否 510 7.0(5.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 26.0(23.0 ~ 30.0) ? ? 27.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
家长学历 高中及以下 91 6.0(4.0 ~ 7.0) 91.66 <0.001a 25.0(22.0 ~ 27.0) 74.49 <0.001a 27.0(22.8 ~ 30.0) 8.12 0.044b
? 大专 244 7.0(5.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 27.0(23.0 ~ 30.0) ? ? 27.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
? 本科 390 8.0(7.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 28.0(25.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
? 研究生及以上 135 8.0(7.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 30.0(25.8 ~ 32.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
家长职业 生产人员 2 6.0(-) 38.24 <0.001a 29.0(-) 25.25 0.002b 30.0(-) 5.36 0.719
? 公司职员 244 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 27.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
? 私营业主 119 6.0(4.3 ~ 8.0) ? ? 26.0(22.5 ~ 28.5) ? ? 28.0(23.0 ~ 32.0) ? ?
? 管理人员 107 8.0(7.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 27.0(23.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
? 技术人员 49 8.0(6.3 ~ 8.0) ? ? 27.0(25.0 ~ 31.5) ? ? 28.0(26.0 ~ 33.5) ? ?
? 专业人士(如 59 8.0(7.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 28.0(26.0 ~ 30.0) ? ? 28.0(22.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
? 律师、会计师、 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? 建筑师等) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? 医务工作者 19 8.0(6.5 ~ 9.0) ? ? 30.0(26.0 ~ 32.0) ? ? 29.0(25.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
? 教师 39 8.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 28.0(26.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 30.0(25.0 ~ 32.0) ? ?
? 其他 222 7.0(5.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 26.0(23.0 ~ 30.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
家庭人均收入(元/月) ≤5000 129 7.0(5.0 ~ 8.0) 11.16 0.011b 25.0(22.0 ~ 28.0) 43.18 <0.001a 26.0(23.0 ~ 30.0) 17.25 0.001b
5000 ~ 15 000 342 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 27.0(24.0 ~ 30.0) ? ? 27.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
15 000 ~ 30 000 264 7.0(6.0 ~ 9.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ? 28.0(24.0 ~ 31.0) ? ?
≥30 000 125 8.0(6.0 ~ 8.0) ? ? 28.0(25.0 ~ 32.0) ? ? 30.0(25.8 ~ 33.0) ? ?
表4 儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治认知及行为问卷影响知识总分的回归分析结果
表5 儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治认知及行为问卷影响信念总分的回归分析结果
表6 儿童牙颌面畸形早期矫治认知及行为问卷影响行为总分的回归分析结果
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