中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (04) : 230 -233. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2017.04.007 × 扫一扫
所属专题: 文献;
Yongjian Xie1,†(), Lixiang Mai1, Yue Xu1
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谢永建, 麦理想, 许跃. 成人双颌前突患者正畸治疗前后鼻唇颏关系的性别差异[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2017, 11(04): 230-233.
Yongjian Xie, Lixiang Mai, Yue Xu. Sexual difference in the nose-lip-chin relationship of adults with bimaxillary protrusion before and after orthodontic treatment[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2017, 11(04): 230-233.
治疗前女性患者鼻唇角(女86.23°、男91.86°,P= 0.033)及颏沟倾角(女61.03°、男68.19°,P= 0.014),上唇厚度(女8.99 mm、男10.87 mm,P= 0.000),下唇厚(女11.84 mm、男13.59 mm,P= 0.000)及颏厚度(女8.14 mm、男9.37 mm,P= 0.014)均明显小于男性,下唇突度(女7.90 mm、男6.40 mm,P= 0.023)较男性明显。正畸治疗后两组患者鼻唇角、颏沟倾角及颏厚度无明显差异;女性上唇长度(女23.25 mm、男25.06 mm,P= 0.001),下唇长度(女46.33 mm、男49.66 mm,P= 0.004)及上唇厚度(女10.98 mm、男13.58 mm,P= 0.000),下唇厚度(女12.31 mm、男14.39 mm,P= 0.000)均明显小于男性,下唇突度(女3.90 mm、男2.50 mm,P= 0.013)较男性明显。男女患者治疗后面型角、鼻唇角、颏沟倾角、上唇厚、颏厚度均明显增加,H角及上下唇突度均明显减小。男性患者上唇长度明显增加。男女性患者治疗前后的变化量及变化趋势均无明显差异。
To investigate the difference in the nose-lip-chin relationship of adult males and females with bimaxillary protrusion before and after orthodontic treatment as well as the difference between genders.
Sixty adult patients with bimaxillary protrusion, including 25 males and 35 females, were treated with straight wire technique, and cephalometrics were taken subquently. The difference in the nose-lip-chin relationship before and after treatment, and that between males and females were compared using paried and independent sample t test.
The NLA (female vs male: 86.23° vs 91.86°, P= 0.033) , Pog′B′-FH (61.03° vs 68.19°, P= 0.014) , UL-U1 (8.99 mm vs 10.87 mm, P= 0.000) , LL-L1 (11.84 mm vs 13.59 mm, P= 0.000) and Pos′-Pos (8.14 mm vs 9.37 mm, P= 0.014) in females were statistically less than males. while LL-E (7.90 mm vs 6.40 mm, P= 0.023) was larger than males before treatment. After treatment, there was no difference in FCA, NLA, Pog′B′-FH and Pog′-Pog between males and females. The length and thickness of upper and lower lips were substantially less in females than that in males, while LL-E (3.90 mm vs 2.50 mm, P= 0.013) of females was larger than males. Both males and females had the same changes in FCA, NLA, H angle, Pog′B′-FH, UL-U1, Pog′-Pog, UL-E and LL-E after treatment, without significant difference between genders.
There was sexual difference in the nose-lip-chin relationship before and after treatment. Substantial treatment changes were observed both in males and females, and orthodontic treatment can improve the facial profile and the harmony of nose-lip-chin relationship.