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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (05) : 278 -284. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2018.05.003

所属专题: 文献


陈枝沛1, 黄静燕1, 张辉1, 张新春1, 黄沁1, 王焱1,()   
  1. 1. 510055 广州,中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院,广东省口腔医学重点实验室
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-08 出版日期:2018-10-01
  • 通信作者: 王焱
  • 基金资助:

Three dimensional finite element analysis and dislocation-resistance force comparison of molar resin-boned fixed partial dentures with different retention forms

Zhipei Chen1, Jingyan Huang1, Hui Zhang1, Xinchun Zhang1, Qin Huang1, Yan Wang1,()   

  1. 1. Guanghua School of Stomatology, Hospital of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Guangzhou 510055, China
  • Received:2018-04-08 Published:2018-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Yan Wang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wang Yan, Email:

陈枝沛, 黄静燕, 张辉, 张新春, 黄沁, 王焱. 不同固位形磨牙双端粘接桥的有限元分析及抗脱位力比较[J]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2018, 12(05): 278-284.

Zhipei Chen, Jingyan Huang, Hui Zhang, Xinchun Zhang, Qin Huang, Yan Wang. Three dimensional finite element analysis and dislocation-resistance force comparison of molar resin-boned fixed partial dentures with different retention forms[J]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2018, 12(05): 278-284.




在右下第一磨牙缺失牙列标准模型上按舌侧翼板形(A组)、D形固位形(B组)、应力中断形(C组)、支托固位形(D组)4种粘接桥设计的牙体预备标准进行牙体预备,每组制作6个钴铬合金金属烤瓷粘接桥,树脂粘接剂粘接。其中每组1个试件用于有限元扫描建模,采用Micro-CT扫描技术及Mimics软件建立三维有限元模型,导入Ansys有限元软件内并对其网格划分。在4组模型的桥体上加载100 N的垂直与斜向45°的载荷,观察并计算应力分布及位移情况。另外每组5个试件在万能测试机上行拉力实验,记录粘接桥抗脱位力值并统计学分析。


垂直载荷时C组修复体应力峰值最小,为37.5 MPa(P<0.05);A组基牙应力峰值最小,为14.5 MPa(P<0.05);A组修复体位移量变化最小,为3.80 μm(P<0.05);C组基牙位移量变化最小,为3.72 μm(P<0.05)。斜向载荷时C组修复体和基牙应力峰值最小,为74.3、19.8 MPa(P<0.05);D组修复体和基牙位移量变化最小,为1.69、1.62 μm(P>0.05)。4组间von Mises应力比较差异有统计学意义,位移量变化比较差异无统计学意义。B与D组组间抗脱位力值差异没有统计学意义,其余组间差异均有统计学意义(F = 25.840,P<0.001)。




To study and compare the stress distribution and displacement of the abutments and prostheses as well as the dislocation-resistance force of resin-bonded fixed bridges with four different retention form designs.


Four groups of resin-boned bridges teeth preparation were made according to the standard of each design on the right first mandibular molar missing arch models, namely traditional lingual flank wingplate retention group (Group A) , D-shaped retention group (Group B) , stress interrupt retention group (Group C) and occlusal rest retention group (Group D) . Prostheses were fabricated with cobalt-chromium alloy and bonded with resin cement on the models, six for each group. Three-dimensional finite element models were established for each group with the aids of Micro-CT scanning technology and Mimics software. The grid partition, boundary condition and load were introduced into Ansys software. 100 N load was applied on the pontic of the resin-bonded bridges vertically and 45-degree obliquely. The stress distribution and displacement of the abutments and prostheses were observed and calculated on the universal testing machine. Tensile test was carried out by pulling out the prosthesis from the abutments. The dislocation resistance values were calculated and analyzed statistically.


With vertical load, the minimum stress of prosthesis (37.45 MPa, P<0.05) and the minimum abutments displacement (3.72 μm, P<0.05) were found in group C; the minimum stress of abutments (14.54 MPa, P<0.05) and the minimum prosthesis displacement (3.80 μm, P<0.05) were found in group A. With oblique load, the minimum stress of prosthesis and abutments was observed in group C (74.30, 19.84 MPa, P<0.05) ; the minimum prosthesis and abutments displacement was observed in group D (1.69, 1.62 μm, P<0.05) . The comparison of von Mises stress was significant different (P<0.05) while the displacement was not (P>0.05) . The dislocation force value was 393.16, 427.62, 339.62, 449.84 N, respectively. There was significant difference among the four groups (F=25.840, P<0.001) , but no statistically significant difference was observed between Group B and D.


The resin-bonded bridge with stress-interruption design may effectively reduce the stress of prosthesis and abutment, but the dislocation resistance capability was lower than that of the other groups. The design of D-shaped retention and occlusion rest retention of resin-bonded bridge can distribute the vertical or oblique stress to prosthesis and abutment, and the dislocation resistance value was higher than those of the rest.

表1 实验所用主要仪器和设备
图1 4种固位形粘接桥蜡型图
图2 4种固位形粘接桥三维有限元模型图
表2 不同固位形粘接桥有限元模型的节点和单元总数
表3 有限元模型中各组件的弹性力学参数
图3 拉伸实验模型装置示意图
图4 4种固位形垂直载荷下修复体von Mises应力分布
图5 4种固位形斜向载荷下修复体von Mises应力分布
图6 4种固位形垂直载荷下基牙von Mises应力分布
图7 4种固位形斜向载荷下基牙von Mises应力分布
表4 垂直和斜向载荷100 N下修复体及基牙的von Mises应力峰值(MPa, ± s
表5 垂直和斜向载荷100 N下修复体及基牙的最大位移量(μm, ± s
图8 4组固位形磨牙双端粘接桥抗脱位力值比较
表6 4组固位形粘接桥抗力值比较(N, ± s
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