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中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (01) : 37 -39. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-1366.2014.01.008


RDC/TMD 轴Ⅰ分类方法在颞下颌关节紊乱病中的应用
陈伟生1, 郑有华2, 吴夏怡2, 林雪峰2,()   
  1. 1.515300 广东省普宁市人民医院
  • 收稿日期:2013-05-09 出版日期:2014-02-01
  • 通信作者: 林雪峰
  • 基金资助:
    卫生部部属(管)医院2010-2012年度临床学科重点项目(构建颞下颌关节紊乱病个性化调压治疗新体系)中山大学临床医学研究5010 计划(2007050)

Application of research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders axis I in temporomandibular disorders patients of China

Weisheng Chen1, Youhua Zheng1, Xiayi Wu1, Xuefeng Lin1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Stomatology, Puning People' Hospital, Puning 515300, China
  • Received:2013-05-09 Published:2014-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Xuefeng Lin

陈伟生, 郑有华, 吴夏怡, 林雪峰. RDC/TMD 轴Ⅰ分类方法在颞下颌关节紊乱病中的应用[J/OL]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2014, 8(01): 37-39.

Weisheng Chen, Youhua Zheng, Xiayi Wu, Xuefeng Lin. Application of research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders axis I in temporomandibular disorders patients of China[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition), 2014, 8(01): 37-39.




使用本课题组前期建立的颞下颌关节紊乱病研究诊断标准(RDC/TMD)中文版对TMD 患者进行调查,根据调查结果对TMD 患者进行诊断分类,包括第一组肌病类;第二组关节盘移位类;第三组关节痛、关节炎、关节病类。


共有142 例TMD 患者完成调查,有效量表133 份,量表的完成率为93.7%,其中男38 例,女95 例,男女比例1 ∶2.5。 患者年龄高发于18 ~44 岁,67.7%的研究对象接受过大学文化教育,84.2%研究对象月收入在5000 元以下。 133 份有效量表中121 例符合RDC/TMD 轴Ⅰ分类,第一组患病率为16.5%;第二组左、右侧颞下颌关节患病率分别为37.2%和27.3%,以可复性盘前移位最常见;第三组左、右侧颞下颌关节患病率分别为43.0%和38.9%,以关节痛最常见。


我国TMD 患者中以可复性盘前移位和关节痛最常见。


The study aimed to assess the distribution of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) sub-types in Chinese people seeking treatment for TMD.


Clinical data of the TMD patients were collected and analyzed by using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD(RDC/TMD). Three sub-types of TMD (Group 1, muscle disorders; Group 2, disc displacements and Group 3, arthralgia, arthritis, arthrosis) were measured.


A total of 142 TMD patients were surveyed and examined clinically. There were 133 valid scales and 9 missed. In this study 38 men and 95 women with the ratio of 1 ∶2.5 were involved. Patients suffered from TMD were commonly found in the age between 18 and 44. 67.7% of TMD patients received college education, and 84.2% TMD patients' monthly income were below 5000 yuan. The results of the axis I diagnosis indicated that the prevalence of Group 1 was 16.5%. In Group 2, the incidence of disc displacement in the left temporomandibular joint was 37.2% and in the right 27.3%. The disc displacement with reduction was particularly common. The prevalence of Group 3 was 43.0% in the left temporomandibular joint and 38.9% in the right. The arthralgia was common in patients of this group.


Disc displacement with reduction and arthralgia were more common in these TMD patients.

表1 本研究调查对象的一般情况统计数据(n=142)
表2 RDC/TMD 轴Ⅰ诊断分类
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